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Accessibility Feedback- my experience

My Experience

This form is for anyone who experienced a barrier personally. To complete the form on behalf of someone else, please go to Accessibility Feedback - General

Give feedback on accessibility

We want to know the specific barriers people with disabilities face when they are trying to access the Penticton Public Library:

  • to attend a program,
  • to use the physical space,
  • to get information, or
  • to receive a service or support.

Use this form to:

  • Describe experiences and how they impacted you
  • Make recommendations for how barriers can be removed
  • Tell us about something that has improved accessibility at the Library

Do you identify as someone living with a disability? (optional)
Did the barrier relate to any of the following? (optional)
Select all that apply
How were you trying to access this service? (optional)
Select all that apply
Please describe: what you were trying to do, (if relevant) what service you were trying to access, how this experience impacted you
May staff contact you about your feedback? (optional)
This does not guarantee that we will contact you.
Please leave blank if you do not want to be contacted.